Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Adventure Awaits! 2020 Jeep Gladiator


What else can you say? Loved the live broadcast of the Jeep Gladiator release. Here are some images form the video if you did not have a chance to see it live. I think Jeep really hit it out of the ballpark on this one.  GLADIATOR


This looked to be the Overland model and was the first one to hit the floor and the last at the end.  
 Rubicon model pretty well equipped - can't imagine how much the price will be but I am guessing in the $60K range. Has a new front facing off-road camera to keep track of the terrain as you approach obstacles along with a removable speaker.

The Gladiator will be available in 4 trim levels, the Sport, Sport S, Overland, and Rubicon. The Overland seems to be similar to what the Sahara Trim is in the current JLs. I have to say I am a fan of the Gobi, Gator, and Bright White color choices. Gator (similar to Tank) looks really nice on the Overland with color matched hardtop.

 Really like this version and color and the Fox Shocks peaking out underneath. Also really like the look from behind, "baby's got back"!

It said in the closing "Coming 2019" so it should be order-able sometime relatively shortly at your local dealerships. I will be calling mine to figure out just when is likely today.

I will update as I learn more, until then - check out Jeep's FB Page

1 comment:

  1. What??? Stop making me want one of these! Holy crap! They are so freakin cool!
