Friday, February 22, 2019

Expectations vs. Reality and a Rattle Can!

So in my last installment, I let you know that I had just ordered my front bumper and was quite excited for its arrival. Jump ahead to this past Wednesday and I received shipping information from FedEx that it would arrive by Thursday, shorty mini-snow storm and the date shifted slightly until to today! Imagine my excitement when I heard the knock on the door and my dogs going crazy, each bark and snarl letting me know that it had arrived... Now imagine my horror when I realized that only the skid plate for my bumper had shipped and nothing else...I did not pay enough attention to the shipping note to see that it was only 18 pounds.

So now my weekend plans for my new bumper install are on hold and I am forced to sit and stare at my relatively useless (until everything else shows up) skid plate, what to do, what to do???

I know! Let me spray paint it with something blue! In keeping with The Great White the Jeep theme, I think a Shark would be appropriate and I think the skid plate will make a perfect pallet for my artistry.

Arts & Crafts Time!

Once I found a suitable picture and printed it out, I used my trusty Exacto Knife to cut out the appropriate sections.
 Next, I centered and mounted it to the skid plate with blue painters tape and took it outside.

Over spray, can be a bit of a problem so I added more tape and some newspaper to cover the entire skid plate.
 From here, I just used sprayed away until I felt I had good coverage.

Once it was dry enough, I brought it inside the house to finish drying as it's really too cold outside right now. As you can see, my stencil failed in places so once it is all dry and set, most likely tomorrow, I will go over it with black paint to sharpen the blur. I will do this with a brush so I have more control. All in all, it made the missing bumper sting just a bit less, can't wait to show you everything installed and ready for the trails!
The Journey is what counts, Adventure Awaits!

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